Louisiana Alert
Attention Louisiana Adjuster applicants:
Effective immediately, the Louisiana Department of Insurance (LDI) will require all Texas residents who are applying for a nonresident Claims Adjuster license in Louisiana to supply a copy of their Texas issued driver’s license to confirm Texas residency. LDI has received a significant number of nonresident Claims Adjuster applications from individuals who have been issued a Texas resident license based on the use of Texas address who have a primary residence established in another state that issues Adjuster licenses. Such individuals would only be eligible to apply for a nonresident license in Louisiana if they were licensed as a resident Adjuster in that actual state of residence.
LDI has determined that a Texas-issued driver’s license will be the accepted documentation to verify Texas residency and eligibility to apply for a Louisiana nonresident Claims Adjuster license based on reciprocity with a Texas resident Adjuster license. Applicants may provide a copy of their driver’s license by uploading to the NIPR Attachment Warehouse or by emailing a copy to producerlicensing@ldi.la.gov. The email should include the applicant’s name and NIPR transaction number in the subject line of the email.
Louisiana Insurance Licensing State Requirements
On this page, you will find all of the state-specific information for insurance licensing in the state of Louisiana. This information pertains to resident license applicants. For additional information for resident licensing, or for nonresident license information, please refer to the Louisiana Department of Insurance website at http://www.ldi.state.la.us. Information is subject to change, and we will do our very best to make the process of completing your licensing education requirements as simple as possible.
Louisiana Department of Insurance
Producer Licensing Division
P.O. Box 94214
Baton Rouge, LA 70804
Phone: 225-342-0860
Website: http://www.ldi.state.la.us
Email: mbroussel@ldi.state.la.us
How to Get Your Louisiana Insurance License
1. Complete an Insurance Exam Prep Course
As of 6/3/2022 pre-licensing education is not required in Louisiana. Those looking to earn an insurance license have a significantly higher chance of passing their licensing exam when they complete one of AUA's exam prep courses. Give yourself the best chance to pass before you sit for the state exam.
2. Pass Your Louisiana Licensing Exam
After completing your exam prep course, in order to earn a Louisiana insurance license you must first pass a state licensing exam for each desired line of authority. AUA's exam prep content is based directly on the Louisiana licensing exams, so you will be prepared to pass the first time.
Exam Provider: PSI
To obtain a Licensing Information Bulletin, go to the PSI website at http://www.psiexams.com. To schedule an exam, contact PSI at http://www.psiexams.com or 800-733-9267.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Louisiana Licensing Exam
After completing my Louisiana pre-licensing, how should I prepare for exam day?
It is your responsibility to contact PSI to pay and schedule for an examination.
There is no limit to the number of times you may take an examination if you fail during that one year period.
It is not possible to make a new examination appointment on the same day you have taken an examination; this is due to processing and reporting scores.
For the fastest and most convenient examination scheduling process, register for your examinations online by accessing PSI’s registration Web site at www.psiexams.com.
Log onto PSI’s website and create an account. Please enter your email address and first and last name. This information must match exactly with the information submitted on your application. Be sure to check the box next to “Check here to attempt to locate existing records for you in the system.”
You will be asked to select the examination and enter your SS#. Your record will be found and you will now be ready to pay for and schedule the exam.
On the day of the examination, you should arrive 30 minutes before your appointment. This extra time is for sign-in, identification, and familiarizing you with the examination process.
Candidates are required to bring two (2) forms of valid (unexpired) signature bearing identification to the test site. ID must contain candidate’s photo and be valid and unexpired.
State-issued Driver’s License
The LA Wallet Digital Driver’s License is an acceptable form of identification
State-issued Identification Card
US Government-issued Passport
US Government-issued Military Identification Card
US Government-issued Alien Registration Card
Canadian Government-issued ID
SECONDARY IDENTIFICATION (Choose one if two cannot be provided from the above list)
Credit Card (must be signed)
Social Security Card
NOTE: Birth Certificate, Student ID, and Employment ID are NOT acceptable forms of identification.
What is the exam like?
Exam Day
All examinations are closed book.
You will be provided a piece of scratch paper and a pencil. These must be returned to the proctor at the end of the examination.
You will have access to an online calculator.
Once candidates have been seated and the examination begins, they may leave the examination room only to use the restroom, and only after obtaining permission from the proctor.
Candidate will not receive extra time to complete the examination.
The examination will be administered via computer.
You will be using a mouse and computer keyboard.
You will be directed to a semiprivate testing station to take the examination.
When you are seated at the testing station, you will be prompted to confirm your name, identification number, and the examination for which you are registered.
Before you start your examination, an introductory tutorial is provided on the computer screen.
The time you spend on this tutorial, up to 15 minutes, DOES NOT count as part of your examination time.
Sample questions are included following the tutorial so that you may practice answering questions and reviewing your answers.
One question appears on the screen at a time.
During the examination, minutes remaining will be displayed at the top of the screen and updated as you record your answers.
After you have entered your responses, you will later be able to return to any question(s) and change your response, provided the examination time has not run out.
While taking the examination, examinees will have the opportunity to provide comments on any questions.
This is the only review of the examination available to you.
In addition to the number of examination questions specified in the "Examination Content Outlines", "non-scored" questions may be administered to candidates during the examinations.
These questions will NOT be scored and time to answer them has been added to the time allowed.
The administration of such unscored, experimental questions is an essential step in developing future licensing examinations.
Security Provisions
Candidates may take only approved items into the examination room.
All personal belongings of candidates should be placed in the secure storage provided at each site prior to entering the examination room. Personal belongings include, but are not limited to, the following items:
Electronic devices of any type, including cellular/mobile phones, recording devices, electronic watches, cameras, pagers, laptop computers, tablet computers (e.g., iPads), music players (e.g., iPods), smart watches, radios, or electronic games.
Bulky or loose clothing or coats that could be used to conceal recording devices or notes. For security purposes outerwear such as, but not limited to: open sweaters, cardigans, shawls, scarves, hoodies, vests, jackets and coats are not permitted in the testing room.
Hats or headgear not worn for religious reasons or as religious apparel, including hats, baseball caps, or visors.
Other personal items, including purses, notebooks, reference or reading material, briefcases, backpacks, wallets, pens, pencils, other writing devices, food, drinks, and good luck items.
Person(s) accompanying an examination candidate may not wait in the examination center, inside the building or on the building's property.
This applies to guests of any nature, including drivers, children, friends, family, colleagues or instructor.
No smoking, eating, or drinking is allowed in the examination center.
During the check-in process, all candidates will be asked if they possess any prohibited items. Candidates may also be asked to empty their pockets and turn them out for the proctor to ensure they are empty. The proctor may also ask candidates to lift up the ends of their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure that notes or recording devices are not being hidden there.
Proctors will also carefully inspect eyeglass frames, tie tacks, or any other apparel that could be used to harbor a recording device. Proctors will ask to inspect any such items in candidates’ pockets.
How is the exam scored?
Your score will be given to you immediately following completion of the examination.
If you pass, you will receive a successful score report.
If you do not pass, you will receive a diagnostic report indicating your strengths and weaknesses by examination type on the score report.
How long is the exam?
Content outlines indicate the examination time limit, minimum score required to pass, subject area and the number of items in each area.
3. Get Fingerprinted
ALL applicants for Louisiana resident insurance producer and adjuster licenses must provide a set of fingerprints to the Louisiana Department of Insurance for the purpose of conducting a state and national fingerprint-based criminal history record.
You must be electronically fingerprinted at one of PSI Louisiana sites, during regular testing hours, on the day of your examination.
The prints will be forwarded electronically to the appropriate review agencies.
You will pay the fingerprinting fee at the test site on the day of testing.
Ink cards will not be accepted by the Division.
4. Apply for a Louisiana Insurance License
Once you have passed your state licensing exam, you are ready to apply for an insurance license. A license application must be filed through the National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR) at www.nipr.com.
Application fee is $75.00 and is no longer based on lines of authority. See exception for Surplus lines and Portable Electronics. Adding a line to an active license will be $50.00.
You will be assigned an NPN. This unique identifier is assigned through the licensing application process and is used to track individuals and business entities on a national basis. The NPN is used by many states to replace a producer license number.

Adjusters Unlimited Academy, LLC
Insurance school, Insurance claims adjuster training, Xactimate training, construction estimator training, vehicle appraiser training, Insurance producer training, workers compensation claims adjuster training, automobile claims adjuster training, online classes, virtual training, in person training, property & casualty, life & health, Insurance paramedic/phlebotomy training, Louisiana and Texas Adjuster Training.